Thursday, January 17, 2008

My name is Kurt and I love cupcakes.


Christi said...

I love cupcakes too!! How funny is that?

Elaine said...

I too love cupcakes! So you can imagine how excited I was to find this blog. Can't wait to read more about the cupcakes of India.

Unknown said...

Oh the memories your pictures, your commentary evoke, Kurt! I recall staying at Nerulas Hotel in the center of Dehli and frequenting what I recall (not confidently) as The Modern Coffee House. And all the magic of Amritsar. Why not post your planned itinerary? Or is it spontaneous? Much love and many good wishes for your journey! Frank Wallace

Tim Murphy said...

I enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your photos and videos. I look forward to following your adventure with great interest. Enjoy the gurmat sangeet.

Cindy&Rose said...

I love that Rose and I can both enjoy your journey through the pictures and video's. We both say hi and can't wait til May to see you!