Friday, March 7, 2008

Images from Himachal

I loved this picture with all the distances, in the main square of Dharamsala.
How Very Tibetan. A view over Mcleod Ganj when I awoke in the morning feeling refreshed and off to hear HH speak.
This goes with the video about Tibetan Opera.
I mean...what more can you say?
My wonderful host in Kullu, Sneh (Linzee).
View from the Royal Castle in Nagar over the Kullu-Manali valley. Yes, I was having a cup of tea while taking this picture.
A Kashmiri gentleman who, we believe, was transplanting apple trees from the fertile valley here up to Kashmir. The scenery was just too stunning for words, so it didn't matter that we didn't really understand eachother.
In Manikaran, the building to the left is the main gurdwara, and the spaceship-shaped one is a Shiv Temple. Both are fed with the hot springs and have baths as well as other functions that use the heat (like the langar kitchen, for one!)
Still life with blizzard in the Himalayas, from a distance.


Unknown said...

I start with wow! These pictures really give me a sense of where you were. I believe you are a "mountain person" at heart. I love the colors- they really do raise the spirit. I can't wait to see more.

LKotM said...

Kurt...7 Dollars . . . sprint up the mountain behind you. Lol.
Awesome pictures.