Friday, February 15, 2008

More Bhangra photos...

...just for fun, and just in case there's a secret demand out there (mainly to laugh at my pitiable attempts).


Unknown said...

Excellent! Glad to know you don't spend all your time riding around on the back of motorcycles. I can only imagine the background music for these photos. I recall the Punjab "Thriller" video I found - so maybe you are listening to something like that.

Dinner at Mediterranean Grill tonite with Yeakels and Kay and Tom Ellerhoff - very nice and really fine food.

I am not sure what "Bhangra" is - so you may want to clarify for me. Have a great saturday, mi hijo.

Shalom, Dad

L said...

Kurt! So happy to have the link to your blog, I've been wondering how the adjustment is going! Now I can keep up on your crazy goings-on! That dance looks like fun - Did you do the line dancing with the sticks? (I forget what it is called). stay warm, be well, much love!