Thursday, February 14, 2008

Video Links, in case they didn't work for you before


Unknown said...

Kurt - thanks for trying to re-format the videos but i still cannot view them. when i try to view them on your most recent blog page the message comes up:

"this is privacy proteted. This is a private video."

and so I am now a Vimeo subscriber and it may make the difference. the following FAQ from Vimeo may help - maybe you need to add me as a contact or something.

What do the different privacy settings do?
“Nobody else” means that you are the only person who can view the video. “My contacts” means that anyone you have marked as a contact can view the video. If someone has marked you as a contact, but you have not marked them as one, they cannot view the video. “Password protected” allows you to set a password that anyone (even people who are not Vimeo members) can use to view the video after entering the URL in their browser. “People you choose” allows you to choose specific Vimeo users who can view the video.

So, if you think adding me as a contact or giving me a password would help, i would be glad to see them. Let me know by email. Thanks!

Have a nice evening. Dad

Kurt said...


Kurt wants to share his videos with you on Vimeo.

Vimeo is where people connect through video. It's fun and super easy to use. Join Vimeo today and start sharing video with Kurt and other cool people you find on Vimeo.

See you there,

Unknown said...


I just signed up for vimeo, but your videos are still protected and I can't see them. Can you put me on a list?