Saturday, February 2, 2008

More internet woes (woahs), a backlog

Checking in Here...

It's been a most interesting few days, and the simple problem of reaching the internet is all that has kept you from hearing many details. As it is, I can only visit internet cafes (and that at great risk to one's sanity by braving the traffic and rickshaw drivers) where I sit at a console and wait for slow service. Meanwhile, on my computer is a backlog of posts, pictures, videos, etc

I have made arrangements to have 24-hr internet in my room, which will bring much needed connection to you wonderful people back home. However, I was told that it would be installed on thursday, then friday, and the next best estimate is monday. So, I'm not holding my breath, but I am holding many stories and musings to be released at the moment I can connect my computer (hopefully during the day on monday in the US, but i'm not promising).

Meanwhile, I'm keeping pretty busy with lessons, reading, meeting people, trying out new food, finding my way around. Today I rode out to the town of Tarn Taran, about 30km from Amritsar, with my ragi. We visited one huge gurdwara, where the central tank is even larger than at the Golden Temple. We took some pictures, sat and listened to the kirtan they were doing, with running commentary on the raag and taal, then stepped outside the complex for some spicy and delicious samosas and a cup of chai. Then we wound through town to a very small gurdwara, that was deserted (kirtan doesnt begin until the evening), but occupies important historical relevance related to the fifth guru, Arjun.

A man running a metal-equipment shop outside the gate engaged us and offered tea. He spoke with the ragi at length with many questions about what I was doing here, and when he found out about kirtan he insisted I sing a shabad for him, then had his eight-year old daughter sing one that she had been working on. I had my digital recorder with me, but unfortunately I balked at the notion of bringing it out to record her, and couldn't have gotten away with it covertly. Anyway, it remains cold here, and that was driven home by riding 30 miles on the back of a motorcycle - but it was nice to get out of the city a little bit, see some fields, and not be in the constant assault of noise and dirt. More to come soon, and keep sending me your questions and prayers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We can't wait to read more. What kind on internet connection will you have in your room? wireless? I look forward to the pictures, videos, and more stories.
