Sunday, February 24, 2008

new pics and videos

More text to follow soon I promise. check out the videos at my Vimeo page!

This is me with the laborers at a clay factory...And by factor I mean they spend all day digging out this old riverbed with hand tools, loading the dirt onto tractors, which are taken to make bricks in kilns all across Punjab.
Out in between a few miniscule villages, a field of mustard flowers, which will be turned into delicious Saag (from the leaves) and mustard oil (pressed from upper chutes and flowers).
I look remarkable calm, don't I? Considering this strange man insisted on putting this snake around me so he (or it, I couldnt quite tell) could give me a blessing. The worse part is that my phone happened to ring in my pocket while this thing was around my neck, with little preventing it (in an vibrated or ring-tone-induced state) from going right for my neck


Kurt said...

Quick problem with the videos. Vimeo hasn't converted them yet, and I'm about to lose power for the day (it's monday again?). I'll get them labeled and post the individual links in a separate entry tonight!

Anonymous said...

Kurt, Your snake story made me laugh. It reminded me of this corny car commercial that was first shown during the Super Bowl. They were trying to prove a point about how quiet a car was by having a guy sit in the driver seat, with a momma badger feeding her babes in the passenger seat, while a cannon was being set off outside. The badger wasn't disturbed until the driver's cell phone started ringing and then all you could hear was screaming! Love reading your stories. It sure seems like you get to explore much more than a woman would get to experience. I, however, would have happily passed on the snake healing. Safe travels, Mr. Kurtz!